Abacus Beads
I was very tempted to do the abacus beads again.. The
last time I did was prob like CNY.. this time with the tradtional ingredient such as dried cuttle fish and dry bean curd...

Taste good, smells good.. However I think I added alot lesser flour this time round, and so they are not as bouncy... even dear find that it should be more chewy.. looks like I shall b more generous w the flour in future.
Radish Cake Again
This is an outdated post... Did it last week for a party...
This round I did not pan fry them, instead I steamed them with scallop XO sauce...
Less mess, healthier.. and still Yummy =)
Pickled Lotus Root
Lotus Root Soup.. I love it... Stuffed Lotus Root with Glutinous Rice.. YUMMY too.. ahh and Renkon Chips... crunchy.....
But I have never taken pickled lotus root...
The other day, before I left lee's house, she asked if I have tasted it before... and before I know it... Im hooked to it.. its midly sourish n spicy

The roots are crunchy.. yet sliced thinly to perfection.... Need I say more???
French Onion Soup
Many years ago during the summer break.. I fell in love with French Onion Soup.. It all began in Paris...
well I shall not elaborate more.. on that sicne many are prob sick of my travel stories hehe
Anyway... since then, many special occasion such as Valentines' Day, wedding Anniversary, I will home made the soup from scratch...
Went to Carrefour few days back.. and saw this really HUGE onion

Near 4 inches in diameter... it cost me a freaking $3 plus... I only realise upon payment hehe.. anyway .. try out.. since onion is our favourite..
While I was slicing up the onion.. I cant help but steal a slice of the onion to try.. I was very surprised that its sweet.. so sweet .. very sweet indeed.. no prize for guessing hw many rings i stole... heehee
The size of the onion do reminds me very well of 'Max Burger' back in Karlskrona thou.. they got this v nice onion rings.. thats as huge as what I have seen now..

How bout an Oniong Bangle insteadof onion 'ring? hehe
With the bread bowl I did... with the new additions of herbs n such in the dough.. and adding the cheese into the piping hot soup...

My craving is temporarily satisfied. =p
I was greedy.. added much more cheese..

With the bread dip in.. accompanied w the sweet onions n cheese.... Im in heaven already
The huge onion is too big for both of us's portion of soup.. (yes even for huge onion eater like us)more than half of it is left in the freezer... I am dreaming of.. hmmm plain sauteed onion with rice... YUmmmmm
Pandan Chiffon
I was busy doing nothg for the whole week.. Mainly becos Im pretty much exhasuted mentaly and physicaly.. plus I have too much email to handle...
Thinkign I prob can break a record for not baking again today.. I realise FINALY I cant resist the sudden temptation.. thanx to leelee... seeing her chiffon make me want to do 1 too.. it been like mroe than 1 yr since I last did any chiffon.. I keep telling myself to do 1 else I prob will forget the technique... That is 1 reason why im constantly baking... even for stuff tat i dont like.. exampel I dont have sweet tooth but I still did loads of macaron.. to me.. its personal satisfaction when I can master/acquired certain skills.
Chiffon cake.. well most of the time I did the orange one.. mainly becos 1 of my gf Agnes loves it ever sicne I did some for them for CNY last year... and pandan oens always give a funny shrinkage.. and they dun last logn sicne it contains coconut cream. Normaly by day 2 they turn sour... despite i cool them v thoroughly.
I hope this batch last me longer.. well I pop them into the fridge already hehe

The cake rises nicely and still remains tall... Very please with it.. I guess it must have got to do with the whisking of egg white? I have some coconut cream left..perhaps I shld do 1 more tomolo to give away to mum's friends.
Now im in the december kind of mood
with a few IK private gathering coming up and of cos my xmas party.. looks like I will b terribly distracted from my oven yea
Lamb Rack
One of our all time favourite, lamb...
The last we had the lamb rack was at Halia and Au Petit Salut.. the rack was real mini.. and onli 2 bones per portion.. obviously we din have enough of it hee...
Last week when I was at parkway, decided to get a rack of lamb.. well ti cost me around $40 with 8 sticks of ribs.. quite a decent price I thought..
So I decided to pamper ourselves today

With some parboil brocolli, some sauteed onions and mashed potatoes..
Dear liek the mash... surprisingly, since previouslyall the mash I did he din really like.. I guess the previous ones are too rich... which I like.. this is more watery..like baby food... yes dear loves baby food LOL
The onions were easy peasy... just fry them with a little olive oil till brown... its sweet too
Lamb was great... it was at our all time favourite medium rare... juicy n nice...
And dear's way of eating...

With His hands... skip the knife!!! .. yea guess we can only do it at home in this way hehe...
In no time .. we ate up everythg... accompanied by some vodka ribena...
Im looking forward to xmas.. then i can make a sumptuous dinner for 2 ... yummm
The Villa Bali
Angie jio us out again today.. after much discussion being going to chomp chomp, or to Jalan Kayu.. suddenly she suggestLittle Bali.
Serene asked me bout this place before and both Dear and I have no idea wehre is it thou she mention near PSA building.. then today it sohappen to be Angie mention that and so off we went... ahh so its actualy at the very familiar looking orange bridge near Depot Road whenever I have to go CMPB last time =p
Its a place of Balinese style, with Thai food serve.. they of cos have Balinese food and western too not forgetting drinks
Since its named Little Bali, thus the whle restaurant setting was really Balinese like..

Dining outdoor can be pretty romantic...

Dine by the pavilion?? U need a minimum spending of $200.. well if u go in group of 4 or 6... u prob might just spend that muc (now u know how much we spend tat I know hee)

I like this waterfall setting.. so zen... calming indeed
And for our dinner
Top shell salad
Balinese Seafood Platter consisting chilli squid & prawns, fry fish, grill fish, and fish cake wrap on lemon grass
Tom Yam Soup which looks pretty spicy but actualy very mild.. when I say mild its really mild since I dun really take spicy food
Thai Grill ChickenAnd Dessert
they ran out of mango sticky rice and so I ordered
Black sticky Rice.. which is Black glutinous rice lar..

Bali cocktailAnd we were sitting outdoor... if u wonder if there is any mozzie??
there is! but for once I din get bitten.. some what this does the trick...

I dunno wat is this call but its smell v v nice.. liek soem sort of spice flower... the strong smelling thgy it omit out prob kept the mozzie away...
All in all I tink the ambience is good... Food is soso... price rather steep.. I might just go thr for a drink in future...
Little Bali 9a Lock Road
Gillman Village
Tel: 67330185
http://www.littlebali.com/After dinner, we went to labrador Park for a short walk before we went back.. Thanx Alvin for playing driver again =)
Guess next time when his dad is back and he got no car its our turn to play driver hehe
Berry Oreo Cheesecake?
Admist my crazy bakign schedule which came last min... Ranging from mango cake, to beutter cake, walnut cake and my mum birthday cakes (photo coming up shortly...) I squeezed in some time to bake a cheesecake... since I am supposed to go with dear for Deepavali house visit.
Decided to make oreo base cheesecake since I got loads of Oreo left... and sicne I was very reluctant to make plain cheesecakes.. I decide to give a twist to them w my left over ingredient in the fridge... strawberry and cherries...
Berries Oreo CheesecakeU can see the bits of halved cherries ... then I stir in some strawberry puree into some of the cheese mixture and create some swirl....
I did 50% more of the recipe cos I was greedy for a tall cake.. Luckily lady luck was on my side this time round.. the cake dun really crack up as it had happened last time... Instead I got a nice smooth flat top.. dun ask me how I did it cos I really dunno.. I bake it for near 80mins that is 1 hour 20mins...
But who knows dear was delayed dancing with the shark for 2 days and thus by the time he came back.. he was pretty tired out and too late to go house visit... so I ended up giving 2 pcs of the cke to Leelee when she came by this morning... and the restof the cake I guess will go to Angie's and Alvin's tummy and of cos dear's....
Not too sure how does this taste as yet... but Im sure its yummy =)
Happy Deepavali
Angie asked me to join them for dinner since she knows Im free today.. .. off we went to Parkway.. Alvin suggested Jap food and so we went to Sakuraya... Well.. I been to this shop to look see look see.. its a supermart like place.. u can buy the dried goods.. or u can eat in there with the food order like sashimi n etc...
1 of the reason why I never go in n eat was i am not sure if its good... and the sashimi dont look any much cheaper than CS ones.. I dunno how fresh are they..
Luckily, count my lucky star, Angie.. I got to eat there.. and I want to go again.. because.. the food is FANTASTIC...
They have very limited food in fact except sashimi.. so if u r not sashimi fan... i tink u dun need to waste ur time thr.. unless u dun mind sushi...

We had salmon, swordfish and sea bream sashimi... My 1st time eating seabream and I find it nice.. i think I want to bring dear there to eat when his bday comes.. he will be delighted...
The lady asked if we wanna try the cooked salmon.. I was reluctant at 1st cos i was afraid of the cook fish smell.. FYI.. I dont really eat cooked fish.. I only eat sashimi...
Anyway she managed to persuade Angie to agree to the salmon... well not too bad yea.. its fresh and not so fishy... U know the salmon fishy smell

Braised Salmon
I had a bowl of rice with mix sashimi since i din have anythg for the whole day.. it contain soem tuna which I prob will not like.. again cos of the smell but there is smell free..
Guess for now... I am giving Sakae a miss... Im a fussy eater.. esp to such delicacy hehe
Strawberry Cake
This is for a little boy, Jovan. His auntie, Yvonne had ordered this from me via K's recommendation since she wanted icing image and K doesnt do ...

Strawberry Flavour was decided upon, since its the birthday boy favourite fruit... and I have decided, to incorporate 3 type of strawberry stuff into the cake. 1st my pregel, 2nd is my strawberry stuff which I gotten from the strawberry parks and of cos fresh strawberry puree which I did it late last nite.. aft a day of my partying..
I went a little over generous woth my gelatine which i guess it should be a prob, since I was really afraid that the mousse will melt in the hot weather... but seems like I prob will be proven wrong..
Also thanx to Z who deliver the icing image to me, Thanx for accomodating the timing =)
Hope Yvonne and family will love this, for I think it tasted really different from a normal strawberry cake..
My surprise...
Well... apparently, Linda had a surprise to me... thou I know that she is making a cake for me.. but I have no idea what design she have up on her mind.. thou she said its somethign I wanted.. thenagain.. .I want many thg leh haha... and well... since she knew I will prob be a little left alone today, she decided to gather Kh over as well to have a mini tea party at her place ...
We had some Citrus lime cuppies which is delious... , vegetarian shepherd pie.. and 1 cake wach from the 2 wonderful genius lady...
now... its my SURPRISE...
i got a Roman Violin!!! wahhhh I go gaga over it.. so sweet so pretty so beautiful so stunning so elegant... what else can I say?
Need not say more... just LOOK..
Wait till u see the details...
the bunch of flowers on the side of the cake
so sweet.. its white with pearl luster dust... very Ivory looking
The Violin... 1 of my dream instrument apart from the piano...
Beautifully curve, beautifuly moulded just w the pair of geniusy hand.. what can I say?? I cant bear to eat this up really... I decided to keep it for good if possible...

Howver linda wanted us to try the cake.. soooo forcefully... I dug a hold under the violin and tasted the cake... and hehe... cover it back =p
And now... of cos I cannot miss out the 2nd cake rite??
This is Butter Cake, done by KH.. the girl is suppose to b jo... How I admire Jo for her LARGE eyes and long lashes.. hehe..
if U seen the real figurine.. the eye really captivates u... its really done with the utmost heart n soul..
I cant get enuff of this figurine also
hee.. My Violin again.. I snap somuch pic.. I think Im crazy...
well thanx to my 2 very dear friends n buddies who try to make my day more special... guess dear really hav eto thank them for taking such good care of me when he is not ard... hee
Ladies.. a big HUG and thankyou from me... MUACKZ
On the side note.. this is my 1st Cake for my celebration By Rachel and gang... thanx yea girls..
Oreo Cheesecake from Bakerzinn
Laziest Cupcake
IF... there is such thg as laziest cupcake award.. I prob will have gotten it today...
My nephew Jadon full month celebration was held today.. I had long decided to do some cuppies.. but well I was in my festival mood... since its my big day as well...

I woke up only to find dear have not come back w my eggs... and i was onli left with 1 1.2 hours to go b4 I am due to leave for the party... Luckily dear cooperated with me and got mi some eggs ... and within 1 1/2 hours.. Im done... with the world laziest cuppies.
Why is it laziest?? cos I use nothg but sprinkle and candies on them but then.. I promise u.. its never gg to be sweet hee.. cos the chocolate ganache is bitter chocolate as usual
I only baked 12 of them for I dunno how the response will be like... thou of cos previously my cousin loves them ... .

I love the starry star..
It doesnt help, when the ganache was too flowy and I cant pipe properly.. phew.. took me an extra 1/2 hour.. else I could have fin them under 1 hour...

Sinking white star.. hee..
By the time I left, the cuppies were gone.. my aunties n cousins were the majority who ate them up.. of cos some guest too whom I dunno who.. since we just simply left the cuppies at the table and they help themselves to it...

One of my little nephew, Joel... he is a real sweetie pie...