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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Marie goes to Hong Kong

I really cannot sit still... not for more than 3 days really...
3 days idling... well.. finaly I made something.. .thou I told myself I gonna rest for 1 week at least... well.. I was real depress n moody for past 3 days... day 1 dear already ask mi to make some bread.. but I cant cos my finger was immobile...

Anyway... finaly bcos Emily is going home today.. and I wanted to send her off badly... thou I was down w slight flu (thanx to the idling), I decided to try out cookies making again which I do not know if its a good move anot since it involved rolling and cutting out w the cookie cutter...

It took mi longer than usual to do this batch since I have to do it single handedly... but my preserverance paid off... Marie is on her way to Hong Kong in Emily hands..

Frankly I have never heard of Marie... till I saw the cutters online.. and well.. after buying it, I have no idea who to make and give to cos no body noes Marie... sounds like a maid name huh? Then when Emily told mi she like marie among the 3 thgs she like... I decided this should be a farewell gift to her for now... since we dunno when we will meet again... I just want to make her trip a memorable one... Did some Chip n Dale one for Iris too since well... I bet she like the cookies too... so Chip n Dale is in HK too yea...

I used vanila pods instead of extract for the cookies.. and thus it got some nice specks all over... and I must say the cookies seems to taste nicer than ever... hehe...

Perhaps I dont have to wait too long to see my dear friend again.. Dear suggested a short trip to HK in nov.... wow.. winter... coollllll