Red Bean Mousse with green tea Sponge cake
My fastest cake ever... Rush like MAD... took me less than 4 hours to do everything... Sponge is green tea sponge.. and mousse with red bean... something diff..

The happy birthday.. I painstakingly print from Pc then cut 1 by 1 and stick them ont he cake before dusting with powder.. phew... and lazy girl me.. cos no time to pipe for the decor.. end up with all the sponge finger on the side hehe
And who is this cake for??
Its Dear's Birthday! so its for him of cos!

The happy birthday.. I painstakingly print from Pc then cut 1 by 1 and stick them ont he cake before dusting with powder.. phew... and lazy girl me.. cos no time to pipe for the decor.. end up with all the sponge finger on the side hehe
And who is this cake for??
Its Dear's Birthday! so its for him of cos!
Cut the cake just now with our family... this is the cross section view
Very good review bout htis cake.. even my mum who dun take green tea like this.. and people who dont like red bean love this too. not sweet.. I think the green tea powder as topping helps in balancing the sweetness.